New Ukrainian music in the modern media space («Far from the crowd» by Karmella Tsepkolenko)




artist-performer, video-cameraman interpretation, modern bayan, new music, media space, multimedia


Relevance of the study is connected with the need for studying properties of the phenomenon "musical work" in its various hypostases-interpretations, the multiplicity of which is produced by the reality of the modern world cultural space, in particular such a phenomenon as multimedia. An art person creates art in conditions of powerful, communicative transformations of the world and has to take into account these circumstances, as well as at the same time the possibilities of the modern media space. It forces us to study the phenomenon of human professional activity-creativity — a musical work as interpreted in various existing forms in the dimension of modern space-time.

The main objective of the study is to explore the possibilities of different interpretations of the world of new music, as well as the properties of video-cameraman interpretation (as a variety of technical interpretation) of a musical artefact — Karmela Tsepkolenko's work for bayan «Far from the Crowd», written in the style of new music, intended for retransmission in the modern media space.

Results. Analysis of the composition «Far from the Crowd» proves that the world of new music is boundless and opens many possibilities for performers-creators to invent new meanings in interpretations. Symbolism, which is inherent in the analysed work written in the style of "new complexity", has the opportunity to reveal its potential ambiguity in the renewed being of music during the performance of the musician-personality through the personal rhetoric of the artist thanks to their creative performance skill, to update the discourse and sound-space every time, and therefore to influence the artists of the media field, to create conditions for new media solutions-presentations, new forms of musical works presentation, including video-cameraman interpretation. The latter, taking into account the clip specificity of the perception and thinking of the modern consumer of cultural artefacts, is distinguished by the use of various visual techniques, the brightness of the enhanced aesthetic and cathartic effect on the consciousness and spirituality of the mass audience thanks to modern media communications.


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A piece of music in the modern media space