Compositional Technique as a Language Mechanism: from Rule to Sound




compositional technique, musical language, composer, musical work, method


Relevance of the study. lies in study of the concept of “compositional technique”, identifying its specificity as a linguistic mechanism. The technique of composition is functioning between language and text and thereby finds its concretization at the level of the composer, his thinking and style. In the typological similarity of the elements of each technique and, at the same time, in constant renewal, the understanding of the composition technique as a tradition is manifested, which seems essential for understanding the development of music in the 20th — early 21st centuries. The analysis of technique reveals its participation in the process of transition of language into speech at the moment of creating a certain work, which is also extremely important in modern musical culture.

Scientific novelty. For the first time in Ukrainian musicology composition techniques have been analyzed in the aspect of language and the functioning of technology as a linguistic mechanism has been investigated.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the specifics of the composition technique as a linguistic mechanism, the peculiarities of its functioning in the creative process in the linguistic aspect, to consider typical techniques in well-known established techniques as the corresponding rules for the embodiment and development of the material.

Methods. The research is based on systemic and functional methods.

The results and conclusions. The study of the composition technique in the aspect of the musical language allows us to renew our understanding of its specifics. The moment of selection of parts and the rules for their further combination emphasize the “general” nature of the composition technique. Being between language and text, technology functions as a linguistic mechanism, out of all the variety of a huge number of elements of the language, choosing only “its own” number, limits and concretizes the possible combination of these elements. The systemic nature of the compositional technique determines the functionality of the parts of each technique. With all the difference in established techniques, it is the functionality of the elements that reveals the general nature and similarity of processes in each technique.

Significance of these results consists in the statement of the fact that reception in technology due to repetition and recognizability becomes the rule, offering options for its embodiment. The typing of techniques is very important for the composition technique. Simultaneously, each new incarnation of this technique renews and develops it.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Zharkov, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory of Music


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