The Interdisciplinary methodological Trends in the Ukrainian Musical Regionalism




Ukrainian musical regionalism, method, object-subject sphere, іnterdisciplinary methodological complex, interdisciplinary approach


Relevance of research. The Ukrainian musical regionalism, as a branch of Ukrainian musicology, is a relatively young but independent field that is actively developing in the methodological plane and continues to arouse interest of scientists in the structure and types of common methods, the effectiveness of research methods, of trends and directions of methodology. In studies of the methodological specifics of the Ukrainian musical regionalism, the issue of integrative interdisciplinary methodological intentions has not been systematically considered. The relevance of his deeper research is stated.

Main objective of the study. The purpose of the article is to identify the integrative methodological intentions of the Ukrainian music region at the levels of approaches, principles and interrelation of methods in modern musicological research.

The research methods. The choice of research methods is due to the interdisciplinary specifics of the material of regional music research, namely the pronounced tendency to integrate approaches, principles, methods of different sciences. Leading in the work are methods of classification, analysis, comparison, which allows classifying an array of studies into groups based on the objectsubject sphere of regional material, to identify the specifics of integration trends in each group, to generalize the structure of methodology of Ukrainian musical regionalism.

Results and conclusions. Based on the analysis of the array of musicological regional researches, according to the criterion of their object-subject spheres, groups of works with integration methodological intentions are revealed. Researchers of the problem of musical space are focused on the methodology of modern historical and theoretical musicology. Methodological integration in the group of studies of the problem of musical life of the regions is characterized by a decisive influence on the musicological methodology of research of archival documentation and source studies in order to involve archival materials and sources in the scientific circulation. A number of researchers focus on the systemic phenomenon of music culture and its varieties, which encourages the application of a multidisciplinary methodology aimed at studying its components. A systematic approach to regional musical processes dominates the study of the musical environment.

The works of historical and theoretical orientation enrich regional musical genreology and regional musical style studies with dominance in the group of methods of historical and theoretical musicology. The mosaic of aspects of research of folklore genres (system-typological, ethnomusicological, ethnosociological, geographical, culturogenetic, contextual, historical) is accompanied by interdisciplinary approaches with dominance of theoretical and applied methods of musical folklore.

The vast majority of investigations on regional musical performance cover a broad historical and cultural context, address issues of creative interaction, the specifics of performance, the formation and functioning of pedagogical traditions. The number of studies of regional institutions with the dominance of the institutional approach and a set of interdisciplinary methods is noticeably growing. Based on interdisciplinary methodological algorithms, the experience of scientific interpretation of the diversity of creative personality and its role in the region is presented.

The levels of methodology of the Ukrainian musical regionalism (theoretical, empirical, philosophical, general scientific, concrete scientific) are defined and characterized. It is proved that at its general scientific level the approaches, principles and methods of culturology, history, archival documentation, source studies, geography, anthropology, sociology and other sciences are widespread.

Author Biography

Tetyana Martyniuk, Taras Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Collegium”

Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor, Head of the Department of Musical Arts and Management of Socio-Cultural Activities


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How to Cite

Martyniuk, T. (2020). The Interdisciplinary methodological Trends in the Ukrainian Musical Regionalism. Scientific Herald of Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, (129), 26–40.

