Mykola Filimonov: sketch of the artist’s “portrait”




reconstruction, archival documents, history of Ukrainian culture of the first half of the 20 century, the activity of Mykola Filimonov


The relevance of the study lies in the need to revive the memory of the Ukrainian artist M. Filimonov, whose name has been forgotten today. In the 1920s his activity was at the center of the musical life of Kyiv, but geographically was not limited to the borders of Ukraine — the singer also performed in Russia and Latvia. Perhaps one of the reasons for the musician’s almost complete oblivion was the fact that Filimonov was repressed in the 1930s , like many other representatives of the Ukrainian intelligentsia.

Main objectives to reconstruct the life and career of the singer, composer, and teacher M. Filimonov. It was possible only with the documentary evidence and memoirs of contemporaries that have been found at the moment.

The methodology provides for the use of the reconstruction of a creative biography (to restore the life path and the creative portrait, to identify factual errors in reference sources), as well as a historical, retrospective and systematic analysis of archival sources, classification and interpretation of facts, their generalization (to describe various areas of the artist’s activity).

Results and conclusions. Based on archival documents, the article reconstructs and maximally details the facts of the life and work of the Ukrainian singer, composer and teacher M. Filimonov. The artist’s personal correspondence, personal documents and portrait photographs, comments, photographs of colleagues, memoirs of the artist’s contemporaries have been introduced into scientific circulation. In addition to the article, a list of his works was drawn up, the music manuscripts of which were preserved in the personal fund from the collection of the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine. At the moment, only the first attempt at reproducing the «portrait» of M. Filimonov has been proposed. Of course, this “sketch” can and should be supplemented with biographical details — in particular, about the artist’s childhood, about his performing work as a chamber and opera artist (considering individual creative seasons, the singer’s repertoire, press reviews etc.), about his composer’s opuses (although would be based on the works preserved in the archives). A separate area of research can be the characterization of M. Filimonov as a teacher in various institutions of Kyiv in the 1920s –1940s .

Author Biography

Ilona Tamilina, National Philharmonic of Ukraine

PhD of Art Criticism, Musicologist, Leading Editor of the Marketing Department


Ukrainian Music Newspaper [Ukrainska muzychna hazeta]. January 14, 1926. Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLA Ukrainy]. Fond 12. Inventory 2. Unit of keeping. 14. Paper 1 [in Ukrainian].

M. Filimonov. Lazis and cat. The song to the words by S. Marshak [Lodyri i kot. Pisnia na slova S. Marshaka]. Sheet music with author’s gift inscription. Manuscript. Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLAU]. Fond 147. Inventory 1. Unit of keeping 272. Paper 1 [in Russian].

M. Filimonov as Rigoletto from the opera of the same name by G. Verdi [Fotohrafiia Mykoly Filimonova u roli Riholetto z odnoimennoi opery Dzh. Verdi]. Central State ArchiveMuseum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLA Ukrainy]. Fond 347. Inventory 1. Unit of keeping 1 Paper 1.

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F. Chopin. «Mein Gelieter» (№8), «Der Krieger» (№10), «Melancholie» (№13), «Dei Hemkehr» (№15) from the series «19 Songs for Voice with Piano» (оp. 74) on words by S. Vitvytsky, A. Mickiewicz, Yu. Zaleski, Z. Krasynsky; №№ 10, 13, 15 translated into Russian by O. Santagano-Gorchakova. [F. Shopen. «Mein Gelieter» (№8), «Der Krieger» (№10), «Melansholie» (№13), «Dei Hemkehr» (№15) z tsyklu «19 pisen dlia holosu z fortepiano» (or. 74) na slova S. Vitvytskoho, A. Mitskevycha, Yu. B. Zaleskoho, Z. Krasynskoho; №№ 10, 13, 15 v perekladi rosiiskoiu movoiu O. O. Santahano-Horchakovoi]. Vocal part. Printing. [not later than 1917]. Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLA Ukrainy]. Fond 347. Inventiry 1. Unit of keeping 7. Paper 1–4 [in Russian].

M. Filimonov. As the death of the wings of darkness covers the earth [Iak smerti kryla morok zemliu kryie]. Verse. Passage. Autograph. Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLA Ukrainy]. Fond 347. Inventory 1. Unit of keeping 27. Paper 1 [in Ukrainian].

Thoughts and singing. Notebook III; Work plan for voice education. Methodical notes for working with students of the Kyiv Theater Institute and the Kyiv State Conservatory [Mysli i penie. Tetrad’ ІІІ; Rabochij plan po vospitaniju golosa. Metodicheskie zapiski dlja raboty so studentami Kievskogo teatral’nogo instituta i Kievskoj gosudarstvennoj konservatorii]. Autograph, typescript. Notebook, scattered sheets. Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLA Ukrainy]. Fond 347. Inventory 1. Unit of keeping 28. Paper 1–22 [in Russian].

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Letter M. Filimonov to K. Opatska (1909). Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLA Ukrainy]. Fond 347. Inventory 1. Unit of keeping. 30. Paper 2, 3, 4 [in Russian].

Letter of an unidentified person to M. Filimonov (1912). Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLA Ukrainy]. Fond 347. Inventory 1. Unit of keeping 34. Paper 1, 3 [in Russian].

Documents on obtaining housing: applications, insurance receipt. (1935, 1939). Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLA Ukrainy]. Fond 347. Inventory 1. Unit of keeping 40. Paper 1 [in Russian].

P. Glushkov, Technical comments on the processing of M. Filimonov, options [Tekhnichni zauvazhennia do obrobok M. M. Filimonova]. Copy, typescript, January 22, 1941. Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLA Ukrainy]. Fond. 347. Inventory 1. Unit of keeping 43. Paper 1–6 [in Russian].

Photograph, where M. Filimonov was together with M. Dashevskaya, M. Donets, M. Donets-Tesseir, R. Elvova, M. Karasyk, K. Mikhailov, N. Nagulina, A. Sperling, N. Spiller and others during the celebration of the anniversary of A. Sperling. On the back there is a gift inscription to A. Shperling to M. Filimonov dated May 30, 1935. [Fotohrafiia M. M. Filimonova razom iz M. O. Dashevskoiu, M. I. Dontsem, M. E. Donets-Tesseir, R. N. Elvovoiu, M. V. Karasykom, K. M. Mykhailovym, N. F. Nahulinoiu, O. M. Shperlinh, N. D. Shpiller ta inshymy pid chas sviatkuvannia yuvileiu O. M. Shperlinh. Na zvoroti — darchyi napys O. M. Shperlinh M. M. Filimonovu vid 30 travnia 1935]. Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [CSAMLA Ukrainy]. Fond 347. Inventory 1. Unit of keeping 46. Paper 1, 1 stars. [in Ukrainian].

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Personal dimension of music history