«Alphabet-Singer» from the Manuscript Collection of the XVIІth Century: Palogeographic Description and Comparative Analysis


  • Mykola Pidhorbunskyi Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (KNUKiM), Ukraine




handwritten collection, chants, singing alphabet, notation, neumatic signs, feats


The relevance of the study is associated with increasing attention to the historical past of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. An urgent need is a thorough study of collections of liturgical singing collections, the condition of which is getting worse every year. A significant part of liturgical singing compilations of the XVI–XVII centuries remains insufficiently studied, which, in turn, inhibits the movement in terms of deciphering neumatic notation.

Main objectives of the article is a paleographic analysis of the song alphabet from a handwritten collection of the XVIІ century and the identification of the characteristic features of its formation.

The methodology. The research methodology is based on a combination of various scientific methods. System analysis contributed to the comprehension of handwritten singing alphabet listings. To determine the temporal and quantitative characteristics of the studied material, statistical and chronological methods were used. A comparative analysis of alphabet transfers made it possible to establish logical patterns that affect their formation.

Results and conclusions. A paleographic analysis of the alphabet made it possible to identify certain patterns, to find common features and differences with other singing alphabets. During the study, characteristic features were revealed: during the formation of the song alphabet, as a rule, there was a certain sequence, when the name of the neumatic sign was put in the first place, and then its variety without repeating the name of the sign. Filling with neumatic signs the alphabet occurred in accordance with their use during singing practice. The alphabet introduced those signs that were considered the most important in the performance of church hymns.The presentation of characters in song alphabet in the XVII century becomes more streamlined, they are located in their groups, taking into account their pitch. The number of neumatic signs and feats in the song alphabet is gradually increasing, which allows you to more accurately record the height and rhythm of the melodies.

Author Biography

Mykola Pidhorbunskyi, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (KNUKiM)

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (KNUKiM), Associate Professor of the Research Institute of KNUKiM


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