Public Component of Lang Lang's Music-Performing Style




Creativity of Lang Lang, individual musical style, publicity, virtuosity, communication


The relevance of research. The theme of the article covers a complex of modern communicative processes in contemporary musical and performing arts, which are defined as publicity. As an illustration, the work of the Chinese pianist Lang Lang was chosen, which has not been studied scientifically yet.

The purpose of the study is to characterize the role and main parameters of publicity in the music-performing style and in other parameters of the creative activity of Lang Lang.

Research methodology. In the interpretation of the style of the musician-performer, the author of the article starts from the position of J. Buffon: “Style is the man himself.” This idea is interpreted as follows: style is a person who realizes his natural task in a certain social, vital and creative situation.

To clarify observations on the public component of the work of Lang Lang, the performer uses the method of comparative analysis.

The main results of the study. A working definition of publicity in musical performance is proposed. The following manifestations of publicity in the music-performing style of Lang Lang are considered: 1. From the perspective of the life and social conditions of the formation and development of Lang Lang, the pianist. 2. In terms of the features of creative aspirations of Lang Lang and the ways of their implementation in musical performance. 3. In the ways a pianist communicates with the public. 4. In the special role of modern mass media. In order to illustrate and concretize these aspects, the creative personalities and the musicperforming arts of G. Sokolov and Lang Lang are compared. The solo concerts of these pianists were selected as musical material for comparison: G. Sokolov, which took place in Paris at the Champs Elysees Theater, and Lang Lang, which took place in the Musikverein Vienna Hall.

The general features and differences in the interpretation of the phenomenon and the role of publicity among these pianists are highlighted. Regarding the tradition of performing music of academic tradition, the opposite of the approaches of Lang Lang and G. Sokolov is noted. G. Sokolov traditionally focuses on contact with the listener through the sound of a musical work. Lang Lang, in addition to the sound of music, uses the widest possible range of publicity, including the capabilities of modern media, a variety of musical and stage roles. It is noted that Lang Lang is active in social activities. His special function in the development of mass children's piano education of Chinese children, as well as in the popularization of classical music throughout the world is highlighted.

Author Biography

Che Chao, P. I. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

Postgraduate Researcher at the Department of Theory and History of Music


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