Cultural And national identity of the conductor: implication of concepts




conductor, identity, self-identity, national identity, cultural identity


Relevance of the study is predetermined by closer attention to the problem of identity within the cultural and national processes in many countries around the world, including Ukraine. The most relevant research on the current range of problems is found in the works by the following foreign scholars: M. Guibernau, E. Erikson, S. Freud, E. Fromm. Identity of the conductor, which is a multiple phenomenon, requires philosophic-cultural comprehension and reflection.

Main objective(s) of the study. For the first time in the scientific discourse the implication of the notions of cultural and national identities of the conductor has been studied. The aim of the paper is to research into the cultural and national identities of the conductor, determine peculiarities and divergences in the implication of the notions. It requires the solution of the following tasks: to specify special aspects of the notions of cultural and national identities in the scientific discourse; to identify connections between these identities within the conductor’s personality and socio-cultural environment the subject of the research belongs to.

Methodology. To determine the features and components of cultural and national identity of the personality we have applied interdisciplinary (to get an integral, coherent knowledge about the phenomenon of the identity in different branches of scientific knowledge) and systematic (for comprehensive research of the notion “identity”, its elements, subsystems, components and connections) approaches, as well as general scientific and special research methods, in particular:

  •  Abstracting (to determine and formalize the most significant features of cultural and national identity in the scientific discourse).
  •  Structural-genetic analysis and synthesis (to distinguish within the complex phenomenon of identity those central chains, which exert pressure on the object of the research).
  •  Comparative-typological (to ascertain convergent and divergent features between cultural and national identity).

Results/findings and conclusions. It has been concluded that the conductor possesses both types of identity (though to a different extent), and from the perspective of logical science it has been determined that implication of the notions is genuine and can be represented in the form of a logical chain: «А→В».

The notions of cultural and national identities of the conductor, as well as their personality in general, are of integrative nature and depend on psychological preconditions, lifetime experience, time (historical period) and the situation, in which the subjects exists. Application of approaches, elaborated as a result of the research, will assist in better understanding of psychological processes of the profession, cause and effect actions of the subject-conductor under research in different historical periods, as well as to determine the phenomenon of the conductor’s identity in the social-historical and musical-psychological contexts.

Author Biography

Roman Dzundza, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk

postgraduate student of Chair of Studies of Ukrainian Music, Folk and Instruments Art


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