“Ethno-chaos” of “Dakha Brakha” band as an example of the principle of “pile” in music





performances of Vladyslav Troitskyi, “DAKH“ Contemporary Art Center, performance, ethnic music, folklore, world music, postmodernism


The article analyzes peculiarities of the works of the band “Dakha Brakha”. “Dakha Brakha” is a modern Ukrainian music band, one of the most prominent representatives of world music in Ukraine. According to musicians, the main creative principle of “Dakha Brakha” may be expressed by the metaphor of “ethno-chaos”. The necessity of a theoretical substantiation of this title makes the relevance of the study. The leading position of the works of the band is revealed through the definition of “ethno-chaos”. With the purpose of indicating the peculiarities of the listeners' perception of the creativity of the group, were given fragments from various listeners’ feedbacks.) In the article are considered the basic principles of stylization of folk songs viewed in the music of “Dakha Brakha” on for the performances of "Mystic Ukraine” (“Prologue to “Macbeth””, “Richard III. Prologue”, “King Lear. Prologue”), as well as in the compositions of the band's albums (“Na dobranich”, “Yahudky”, “Na mezhi”, “Light” and others).

The main objective of the study is attribution of the principle of stylistic diversity in the work of the band.

Methodological base: for the purpose of using the correct musical terminology, was determined the type of musical creativity of "DakhiBrahi" (in accordance with the theory of musical practices of T. Cherednichenko) in relation to the group's creativity. There was made an attempt to attribute the principle of stylistic diversity to the works of the band. It points to the principle of eclecticism, and peculiarities of its organization – the principle of “pile”. This principle is concordant with the aesthetics of postmodernism and correlates with the principle of “pile” which is discussed in its theoretical works.

Conclusion is made about correlation of peculiarities of organizing eclecticism in the creative works of “Dakha Brakha” band with the “pile” principle, that is considered in the works of O. Zyn'kevych, T. Cherednichenko and О. Yakymovych.. Thus, the significance of the study is that the creativity of the “Dakha Brakha” band can be considered a manifestation of Ukrainian postmodernism.

Author Biography

Iia Fedorova, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine (Kyiv)

Федорова І. Ф.


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Art studies