Tour routes of the Poltava symphony orchestra under D. V. Akhsharumov: from press reviews




D. V. Akhsharumov`s creativity, tour activity, symphonic orchestra, concert, audience


Relevance of the study. It is especially urgent to study the processes which took place in music art in the first part of the XX century. Creative achievements of Ukrainian masters’ of that period were thoroughly suppressed by Soviet authorities and their authors were ruthlessly killed in Stalin camps. Dmytro Volodymyrovych Akhsharumov was also a representative of such intellects.

Main objective of the study is understanding of tour activity of the Poltava symphony orchestra under D. V. Akhsharumov during the period of 1901–1909 and revealing its importance in the history of music art.

Methodology of the investigation is integrated. It includes: the method of historical analysis which makes it possible to consider the Poltava symphony orchestra functioning in specifically historical conditions, to determine its role in historical system of cultural coordinates; contextual analysis – aimed to consider the object of the investigation taking into account its interaction with music environment; the method of research and generalizing archival documentation – ensures the usage of reliable and accurate data in description of fact-based material; the method of musically-theoretic analysis – makes it possible to reveal peculiarities of repertoire policy of the Poltava symphony orchestra under D. V. Akhsharumov.

The material of the investigation is a collection of Russian and foreign press reviews of the Poltava symphony orchestra which is kept in Sumy local history museum funds. Geography of the band`s tour is revealed on the basis of the documents; their concert reviews are analyzed.

The study was done according to the planned methodology.

Results and conclusions. Tour activity of the Poltava symphony orchestra became an outstanding phenomenon in Russian music culture of the prerevolutionary period. A mobile band of the like-minded musicians brought academic culture into province and it is exactly where its performing practice was intended for. The orchestra familiarized audience with compositions of European art, Russian music, new compositions of contemporary composers. At the same time, it represented works created by the authors of its country to a foreign listener showing the demanding audience richness of Russian composers` style. The top of the band`s repertoire list was music of L. V. Beethoven, R. Wagner, M. P. Musorgsky, P. I. Chaikovsky, M. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Selection of large symphonic works and timbre-colourful orchestra pictures was conditional upon the peculiarities of creative temperament of the band`s conductor – D. V. Akhsharumov who preferred large-scale philosophical frescoes to reasonable composure of Haydn-Mozart style or exquisite palette of impressionism.

Author Biography

Inna Dovzhynets, A. S. Makarenko Sumy National Pedagogical University (Sumy)

Довжинець І. Г.


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Art studies