Singing at the Lviv Epiphany Church (from the origins to the end of the 18th century)




cantus fractus, Irmologion, kolyadka, singers, conductors, parishioners


The history of church singing of any particular temple should be started from the time of the first divine service held in it. Another thing is that such service is not always accompanied by documentary evidence. One of such "silent" churches until recently was the Lviv Epiphany Church, but thanks to the diligent and thorough work of the Ukrainian historian Myron Kapral', there was an opportunity to explore the musical aspect of its activities through documents. The importance of this article is that it demonstrates a typical musical practice in the peripheral Ukrainian church of the early modern era.

The purpose of the study is to collect and analyze documents and other written sources concerning singing practices in the church. All available sources are investigated for the first time.

Results and conclusions. It was discovered that in the 1650s, polyphony singing was already practiced in this church. In the early 1700s, the printed and hand-written linear (modern staff notation) Irmologions were kept in the church. In addition, among the documents of the brotherhood, has been preserved the manuscript with the verbal text of the Christmas carol (kolyadka) Raduytesya vsi lyudiye, dated by 1705. This list of carols is the oldest among Ukrainian sources. Thanks to the Book of Expenditures (1705-1791) of the Lviv Epiphany Brotherhood, we have information about singers and conductors of the church. Also, from the expenditure documents of the brotherhood, we can draw some information about several Lviv musicians, probably parishioners of the church.

Author Biographies

Ivan Kuzminskyi, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine (Kyiv)

Кузьмінський І. Ю.

Myron Kapral’, Lviv Branch of the М. S. Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies (Lviv)

Капраль М. М.


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Art studies