The image of Artem Vedel in cultural and arts introspection of Ukrainian diaspora




composer, choral works, Ukrainian diaspora, research, performance, the image of Artemiy Vedel


Relevance of the study. The personality of the outstanding Ukrainian composer Artemiy Wedel and his work are depicted through the culture and arts reflections of the ukrainian diaspora of the 20th century. Attention is focused on the representation of three vectors: the performing of A. Vedel’s choral legacy outside Ukraine, scientific researches and publications as to composer’s life, preservation and publication of his choral works.

Main objective of the study is to clarify composer’s personality and his creative legacy in the framework of cultural and artistic reflections of the Ukrainian diaspora in the twentieth century. To achieve it, the following tasks should be done: to find corresponding publications and other sources and to determine the direction of the presentation of A. Vedel’s works by the Ukrainian diaspora. The sources of the study were printed music and publications of artists and publicists of the Ukrainian diaspora.

The research methodology includes historical, cultural and logical methods, together with the analysis of the historiography of the scientific problems and the place of Ukrainian composer Artemiy Vedel and his work in the cultural and artistic introspection of the Ukrainian diaspora of the twentieth century. How the study was done . The performing of Artemiy Vedel’s choral works in different countries throughout the twentieth
century was analyzed.

Results and conclusions . Ukrainian diaspora made a significant contribution into commemorating the outstanding Ukrainian composer Artemiy Vedel and into preserving and popularizing of his choral legacy.

Significance . The scientific novelty of the work is that it considers the problem in a new format, expanding its scope to realize the creativity of Artemiy Vedel’s works in the global context.

Author Biography

Ganna Karas, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Карась Г. В.


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Art studies