Embodiment as a manifestation of national intonation in modern Ukrainian popular vocal art
embodiment, national intonation, voice, pop vocal, national tradition, performing skillAbstract
Relevance of study. The phenomenon of embodiment is considered as a mean of identifying national identity and a way to avoid standardization of performance in modern Ukrainian pop (modern) singing. The concept of "intonation" in modern vocal art is interpreted not only as the actual purity of sound, intonation, but also as a fundamental cultural phenomenon, the core of musical performance skill, which is based on a bodily determinant. The important role of bodily intonation in the formation of the performer's cultural national identity is substantiated. The main aspects of the metamorphosis of body intonation in modern singing, the transformation of the body image of the Ukrainian pop singer from the times of the USSR to the present are highlighted. The positive and negative aspects of globalization and Americanization are analysed. In particular, the consequences and influence of the integration of world vocal techniques on the understanding of the national dominant are investigated. The necessity of adapting world vocal techniques to the body of the Ukrainian national vocal pop tradition is substantiated. The importance of further development of modern Ukrainian vocal techniques based on national materials is proven. The practical aspects of applying knowledge about embodied intonation in the professional activity of a modern Ukrainian singer are analysed. Works presented by several groups of sources considered as the theoretical base of the considerations in accordance with the problems and tasks of the research: philosophical works, works on musical art, interpretology, ethnosociology. The research methodology combines the methods of musicological generalizations, musical comparativistics, methods of analysis and synthesis, and the method of performing self-reflection. The main objective of the study is to investigate the phenomenon of body intonation in modern pop performance through the prism of national and global perspectives; to prove that embodied intonation is an extremely important component of the performer's pop musical intonation, which carries a national authority. The scientific novelty of the presented considerations is that in Ukrainian musicology, the issue of national body intonation in the context of the globalization of popular music culture is investigated for the first time. The conclusion summarizes the results of the research, points out the perspective of the musicological examination of embodied intonality as a way of preserving national identity in a competitive Ukrainian modern singing art.
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