National «voices» of academic musical performance in a globalized world




Ukrainian music, national identity, musical performance, national sound ideal, voice of national culture


The ontological parameters of the national identification of musical performance of the academic tradition are considered. In the course of modern processes of cultural globalization and musical-professional unification, nationally characteristic features of Ukrainian musical performance are highlighted. The stylistic features and archetypal characteristics inherent in the artistic thinking of Ukrainian musicians-performers, which form the national sound ideal, are outlined.

The relevance of the study is related to the uncertainty in modern music science of the ontological parameters of the national identification of the performing arts of the academic tradition. This, in turn, determines the main objective of the study - by outlining the constant stylistic parameters and archetypal features inherent in the artistic thinking of Ukrainian musicians, to determine the expressive resource of modern Ukrainian academic musical and performing arts in relation to the representation of national cultural identity in the globalized world.

Theoretical base. The methodological support of the proposed reasoning is provided by the works of: philosophy, sociology, and cultural studies by Mladen Dolar, Wolfgang Shluchter, Boris Johnson, Ivan Lysy, Dmytro Chyzhevskyi, Dmytro Dontsov, etc.; of musicology - Oleksandr Kozarenko, Nadia Suprun-Yaremko, Yakov Soroker, David Hezmondalsh, etc., as well as their own scientific positions, published in publications on the issues of music and performing arts.

The applied scientific methodology combines the methods of discourse analysis, empirical observations of the practice of performing activities, including data from one's own listening experience, musical comparativistics, and musicological generalizations.

The scientific novelty of the applied approach is determined by the justification of the feasibility of using it as a musicological and analytical toolkit for research and national identification of the phenomena of musical and performing art of the philosophical category of the voice and the musicological category of the national sound ideal as reflecting genetically related phenomena. The summary summarizes the results of the research and characterizes the practical value of the presented considerations, which consists in enriching the analytical apparatus of musical science for in-depth study of the processes of musical and performing creativity. The further prospects of the development of Ukrainian musical performance in the role of the "voice of Ukrainian culture" in the world are indicated.


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How to Cite

Katrych, O. (2024) “National «voices» of academic musical performance in a globalized world”, Scientific herald of Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, (141), pp. 26–35. doi: 10.31318/2522-4190.2024.141.319197.



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