Ukraine and Europe in research papers of Myroslaw Antonowych




emigratory musicology, creative work of Josquin des Prez, Renaissance music, works of M. Antonowych, Ukrainian music


The relevance of the study is determined by the need to reveal the significance of Myroslaw Antonowych's musicalogical activity in the context of the cultural-historical period (50-70 years).

Main objective(s) of the study. The purpose of the research is to analyze the scientific work of the Ukrainian musicologist Myroslaw Antonowych, devoted to the musical culture of the Renaissance, in particular the works of Josquin des Prez and to find out its significance for the introduction of Ukrainian studies in the world of musicology discourse. In the 50-ies in Utrecht (the Netherlands) he initiates research combining two fundamental trends of musicological thought – a Ukrainian church music as the oldest basis of professional music and the Netherlandish School of XV – XVII century that embodied a new artistic ideal for those days. t was ascertained that in the postwar decades, when Ukrainian musicology was internationally prohibited for political motives, M. Antonowych conducted active scientific researches of Josquin des Prez's artwork and his contemporaries, by specifying found works of Josquin des Prez. A sustained contribution of M. Antonowych into the first publication of works of Josquin des Prez that was launched in 1935 by a Dutch musicologist Albert Smijers was highlighted. A major scientific authority in the field that was a subject-matter of joint interests of the world musicology gave an opportunity to raise issues related to Ukrainian music culture on international forums.

Methodology. During the research a historiographic method was used while processing sources in the archives of M. Antonowych (Institute of Church Music of the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv)), the analytical method used in the analysis and comprehension of his scientific works, the inductive method used to reproduce an integral depiction of the musical activity of M. Antonowych, basing the analysis of some of its components.

Results and conclusions. Іt has been established how important was the contribution of Antonowych to the studies of music of the Western European Renaissance, in particular, the work of Josquin des Prez. A major scientific authority in the field that was a subject-matter of joint interests of the world musicology gave an opportunity to raise issues related to Ukrainian music culture on international forums.

Author Biography

Ulyana Hrab, Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy

Граб У.Б.


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